Consumers, citizens and employees increasingly expect anywhere-anytime experiences—whether they are making purchases, crossing borders, accessing e-gov services or logging onto corporate networks. Entrust Datacard offers the trusted identity and secure transaction technologies that make those experiences reliable and secure.
Entrust Datacard’s desktop ID card printer solutions represent the ultimate identity platform.
Instantly issue compelling, high-quality payment cards and print secure ID cards that maximize cardholder satisfaction. Expect easy operation, proven performance and cost-effective results.
Entrust Datacard’s financial card printer solutions will capture more business, improve card activation rates and reduce issuance costs as part of an instance issuance program.
Instantly issue compelling, high-quality payment cards that maximize cardholder satisfaction. Expect easy operation, proven performance and cost-effective results.
Datacard® high-volume card issuance solutions align with your precise needs.
Whether you are expanding an existing operation, moving your program in-house or launching your first high-volume operation, we configure highly efficient solutions to meet your requirements.
Our card personalization and card delivery platforms reflect more than 40 years of industry leadership — and they offer a range of customer-driven enhancements that empower you in important new ways.
Issue high-quality passports and e-passports in centralized or distributed environments.
Our proven systems are designed to maximize document security and prevent counterfeiting and alteration.
Unleash the Full Power of Your Digital Business
Enterprise-grade authentication made easy
The greatest value of an authentication portfolio is the ability to unleash the full productivity and innovation of an enterprise — while protecting what’s most important. So, how do you identify an authentication solution that is truly a digital business accelerator?
Ensuring A Trusted Internet of Things
Establish a connected ecosystem that is secure by design from device manufacturing through the entire IoT lifecycle. Accelerate IoT deployment and time-to-value by enabling a secure and trusted ecosystem of people, applications and things.
Enable and Transform Your Business With PKI
Entrust Datacard PKI solutions establish and maintain a trustworthy networking environment by providing key and certificate management services that enable encryption and digital signature capabilities across applications for organizations ranging from large enterprises to governments and financial institutions.
Protect cardholder data and instantly issue cards with Entrust Datacard® software solutions.
From entry-level ID badges to secure payment cards, our easy-to-use software fit virtually any card issuance environment.